Sunday, January 24, 2010

FAM Trip : Kinabalu Park : Jan 24th 2010

Naim & Rahmat : Tengah bincang projek Juta2...
Zee : Sedang kecewa, Hik2!
Jimmy : Terlantar kesepian
Raihan : Thinking of mutton curry, fish curry & .......

Familiarization Trip
(FAM Trip)

Gunung Kinabalu, The World Heritage Site, gazzetted by United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Year 2000. Why is it so special?

It comprised 4 types of forest @ vegetation:

1. Lowland Tropical Rainforest
2. Montane Forest
3. Mossy Forest
4. Subalpine Forest

One more thing, why Kinabalu has been called "Kinabalu"? This one, biar Rahmat yang hurai and explain on the next Post lah kan? How 'bout it Cikgu Raihan? Bolehh? Hehehe!

So now, let the pictures tell the Story! Like my Mom said, "The picture describe thousands words..." :)

The Path towards Happiness...

"Depan tu ada kantin, sabar..."

Sikit lagi sikit lagi !!!

Water water... Hahaha!

Cute SSL Staff tengah posing control ayu :)

Thanks to Zee & Raihan, link besar, dapat makan free di Balsam Cafe... Sampaikan Rahmat makan sambil tutup mata, hahaha!

Beautiful flower a long the way in Pandanus Trail

"What's this Raihan?"
"It Tristania..."

Ulat bulu woo...

Yang ni masih dalam Kiau View Trail

"Jimmy, dont leave your mom behind..."
"Dunwori Uncle, my Mom is the Iron Lady, hehehe"

Siapa-siapa yang tak mampu beli pakej SSL time naik gunung, boleh bermalam di sini...

Cikgu Raihan, ajar subjek Burung :)

This is the Fantail Bird, ekornya macam kipas, jinak-jinak Merpati! Bikin Geram Eh!!!

Trilobite Beetles... Kumbang ni cantik... I swear this is the first time I saw it... Look at Rahmat, hahaha funny picture lah!

Cikgu Raihan sedang menerangkan sesuatu tapi kena candid!

The missing persons : MD, ED, GM :)

The view of Mount Kinabalu from Nabalu Market

Yang ini...
Lelaki Idaman BORNEO !!!

Thats all for now

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